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Sinoma Energy Conservation Participated in the 2023 Annual Collective Performance Presentation of CNBM

PublishDate:2023-04-17 Source:



  On April 16, China National Building Materials Group held the 2023 annual collective performance briefing at Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Sinoma Energy Conservation, as one of the 12 A-share listed companies under the Group, participated in this performance briefing together with other listed companies within the Group.


  This performance briefing was held to promote the Group and its listed companies to strengthen the quality internally and shape the image externally, to promote the balance between value creation and value realization, and is an important initiative to deeply implement the State Council SASAC's 'Work Program for Improving the Quality of Listed Companies Held by Central Enterprises'. The performance briefing was jointly organized by Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange, and about 50 analysts, investors and media were invited to the meeting site, while a simultaneous live broadcast was conducted through Interactive Easy, SSE Roadshow Center, SSE Newspaper, Securities Times, Xinhua Finance, China Business News, First Financial News, Wanderlust, Flush, and Funds Newspaper platforms, with nearly 400,000 people watching and participating in the interaction online.


  Meng Qinglin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Sinoma Energy Conservation, Jiao Erwei, Party Member and Financial Controller, Ma Lin, Director of the Board of Directors' Office and Securities Affairs Representative, attended the performance briefing on-site, and the independent directors participated in the meeting through online. At the performance briefing, Meng Qinglin had an in-depth communication with investors and analysts on Sinoma Energy Conservation's strategic planning, scientific and technological innovation and other matters. Jiao Erwei introduced the basic situation of the company, operational highlights in 2023 and key work plan in 2024.


  This performance briefing further enhanced the communication with investors, enabling investors to more fully and deeply understand and recognize the company's value. In the future, Sinoma Energy Conservation will continue to strengthen scientific and technological research and development, innovate the operation and management mode, and take actively cultivating strategic emerging industries as the main hand to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity and enhance the new kinetic energy of development, so as to return the society and shareholders with better achievements.

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