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Jiayuguan Qilianshan Cement Photovoltaic Power Generation Project connected to the grid

PublishDate:2023-09-12 Source:

  Recently, 0.9MWp distributed PV power generation project of Jiayuguan Qilianshan Cement Co., Ltd, which is general contracted by Sinoma Energy Conservation, was successfully connected to the grid. The project is located in Jiabei Industrial Park of Jiayuguan, the contract was signed on December 30, 2022, the groundbreaking started on April 24, 2023, the installation of PV power generation equipment was completed on August 30, 2023, the project passed the on-site acceptance of State Grid Jiayuguan Power Supply Company on September 1, and was successfully connected to the grid on September 8 at one time.


  After the signing of the project, the project department actively coordinates with various departments to complete the basic design and procurement work in a timely manner, so as to provide a solid guarantee for the commencement of the construction of the project. Jiayuguan is windy and sandy, the weather is hot and dry, the distributed photovoltaic operation area is decentralized, the amount of AC and DC cables and communication cables laying works is large, and the overall construction is difficult. The project department has formulated a reasonable and feasible construction plan, coordinated with the construction unit, the owner and other parties to overcome the difficulties, and realized the schedule, quality and safety 'three guarantees'. Entering the peak construction period, all the members of the project department are day and night to stick to the site, working overtime and more than one person, to ensure that the project according to the contract agreed to reach the project nodes as scheduled.



  It is expected that the average annual power generation will be about 1,275,600 kW-h, which is equivalent to saving 477 tons of standard coal per year. At the same time, it can also reduce sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions by about 10.2 tons, carbon dioxide (CO2) by about 994 tons and nitrogen oxides (NOX) by about 4.6 tons per year, which has good economic, environmental and social benefits.

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