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Meng Qinglin meeting with Uzbek Energy Minister Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov in Beijing

PublishDate:2024-01-13 Source:


  On the morning of January 12, Meng Qinglin, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of Sinoma-EC, held a meeting with Zurabek Mirzamakhmudov, Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan, and his delegation in Beijing. The two sides carried out in-depth exchanges around deepening pragmatic cooperation and promoting win-win development. Mr. Huang Jianfeng, Vice President of Sinoma-EC and Secretary of the Board of Directors, accompanied the delegation to the meeting.


  At the meeting, Meng Qinglin briefly introduced Sinoma-EC's three main industries and advantageous technologies, and thanked the U.S. side for its continuous care and support for Sinoma-EC. He said that Sinoma-EC and Urumqi have carried out a series of projects, and both sides have established a deep friendship through close collaboration. As the construction of 'One Belt, One Road' has entered the stage of high-quality development, Sinoma-EC has accelerated the pace of internationalization under the guidance of the strategy of 'Overseas Ten-Year Re-engineering' of China National Building Materials Group. Uzbekistan has become one of Sinoma-EC's core overseas markets, and it is hoped that the two sides will further increase cooperation in clean energy, energy saving and environmental protection, continuously innovate the mode of cooperation, expand the space for cooperation, and jointly create a new situation of mutually beneficial and win-win development, so as to add bricks and mortar to the new situation of friendly and strategic relations between the two countries.


  Rulabek Mirzamakhmudov gave a brief introduction on the latest development strategy and planning of Uzbekistan, and highly affirmed the progress of Sinoma-EC's projects in Uzbekistan. He said that Sinoma Energy Conservation, as a listed company of China National Building Material Group engaged in energy conservation and environmental protection industry, has leading professional technology and obvious internationalization advantages, and the industrial development direction of Sinoma Energy Conservation is highly compatible with the development strategy of Uzbekistan. He hoped that both sides would continue to dig deeper into the potential of cooperation, broaden the field of cooperation, accelerate the landing of the project, and jointly write a new chapter of win-win cooperation between China and Uzbekistan.


  Fazlidin Sharofidinov, Director of the Project Office of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, Akbar Kurbanov, Vice Chairman of the State-owned Chemical Group of Ukraine, and Abdulmalik Nazilov, Vice Chairman of the State Grid Company of Ukraine; Zuo Dayong, General Manager and Head of Marketing Department of Sinoma Energy Conservition International Investment Company; Xin Chaowei, Assistant to the Head of the Marketing and Planning Department of Sinoma Energy Conservition International Investment Company, and Zhao Gyun, Director of the Marketing Department of the Investment Division of the Investment Division of the company; and Pang Lei, Investment Manager of the Investment and Development Department of Sinoma Energy Conservation, attended the meeting.

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