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Sinoma Energy Conservation meeting with Tianjia Energy

PublishDate:2024-03-09 Source:


  In the afternoon of March 5, Meng Qinglin, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of Sinoma Energy Conservation, warmly received Wang Qiang, Executive Chairman of Nanjing Tianjia Energy Science and Technology Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as 'Tianjia Energy') and his delegation, and the two sides conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the technology research and development and market development in the field of green and renewable energy utilization. Mr. Liu Xin, Vice Secretary of Party Committee and President of Sinoma-EC, Mr. Wei Wenhua, Member of Party Committee and Vice President of Party Committee, Mr. Huang Jianfeng, Member of Party Committee, Vice President of Party Committee and Secretary of the Board of Directors, Mr. Luca Pozzoni Exerg, General Manager of Tenga Energy, Mr. Paolo Danesi Exergy, Commercial Director, and Mr. Pan Junchen, Director of the Large Project Department, were present at the meeting.


  At the meeting, Meng Qinglin introduced Sinoma-EC's development in clean energy, engineering and equipment, building energy-saving materials and other business areas. He said that Sinoma Energy Conservation and Tianjia Energy have a high degree of business fit, and there is a wide space for cooperation between the two sides. It is hoped that both parties will take this meeting as an opportunity to continuously strengthen communication and cooperation in the global market of renewable energy business fields such as industrial waste heat, geothermal energy, biomass energy, etc., and realize a good situation of mutual benefit and win-win.



  Wang Qiang expressed his gratitude to Sinoma Energy for the warm reception. He introduced in detail the development of Tianga Energy in the field of specialized air environment process and green energy application, focusing on the application of ORC technology in the field of geothermal, industrial waste heat and biomass energy. Wang Qiang expressed his hope to establish a long-term and close cooperative relationship with Sinoma Energy Conservation and jointly promote cooperation in technology research and development and market development in the field of clean energy utilization.


  Mr. Wang Yi, assistant president and general manager of engineering branch of Sinoma Energy Conservation, Mr. Tao Junpu, president of Central Research Institute and chairman of Sinoma Energy Storage, Mr. Cheng Lixia, director of Investment and Development Department; Andrea De Finis Exergy, sales manager of waste heat of Tenga Energy, Mr. Yuan Zhiwei, technical support manager, and Davide Elia Lattuada Exergy, program engineer, participated in the seminar.

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