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Kexu Tianshan Waste Heat Power Generation Project connected to grid

PublishDate:2024-04-02 Source:

  Recently, Kexu Tianshan Waste Heat Power Generation Project, general contracted by Sinoma Energy Conservation, was successfully connected to the grid. The project is located in the heavy industrial park of Atushi City, Xinjiang. The scope of the project includes the design of the waste heat power generation, the supply of equipment and the commissioning of the waste heat power generation system, and the contract was signed on July 26, 2023, the clock started on August 6 of the same year, and the unit was connected to the grid on April 2, 2024, which was completed.


  After the signing of the project, in order to ensure the power generation on schedule, the project department carefully planned the work arrangement of each stage. In the pre-project preparation stage, the project department actively coordinates with various departments to complete the basic design and procurement work in time; in the installation and commissioning stage, all the members of the project department overcome all the difficulties and stick to the construction site, which ensures that the project will reach the project nodes according to the contract as scheduled.


  After the project is connected to the grid, it is expected that the daily power generation will reach more than 216,000kwh, which has good economic, environmental and social benefits.


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