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National Team of Science and Technology Innovation ⑤ | Sinoma Energy Conservation: Accelerating Innovation in Riding the Wind and Waves

PublishDate:2023-11-23 Source:



  Innovation-driven technology empowerment

The report of the 20th Party Congress puts forward that we must insist that science and technology is the first productive force, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force, deeply implement the strategy of developing the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development, to open up new fields and new tracks of development, and to continuously shape the development of new dynamics and new advantages.

As an honorary qualification with high gold content, national technology innovation demonstration enterprises are required to have strong technological innovation capability, remarkable innovation performance, as well as an important demonstration and orientation role.

Over the years, China National Building Materials Group has taken the cultivation of national technology innovation demonstration enterprises as an important hand in developing high-tech industry and enhancing the independent innovation ability of enterprises, relying on years of technological innovation to form core competitiveness, and opening a new chapter of high-quality development of national technology innovation demonstration enterprises 'from one to a group, and quantitative change triggers qualitative change'.


September 2022 Sinoma Energy Conservation was successfully selected as National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise This is a high recognition of the enterprise's industry leading position, core competitiveness innovation and R&D capability, etc. Since the selection Sinoma Energy Conservation, under the strategic leadership of China National Building Material Group Sinoma Energy Conservation, under the strategic leadership of China National Building Materials Group, has insisted on driving high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation Continuous improvement of independent innovation ability Core competitiveness is increasing Science and technology innovation has become Strong support for high-quality development 'Standing on the Tide' - Realizing new technological breakthroughs around the main industry01


Sinoma Energy Conservation Closely focusing on the company's three main industries to effectively improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation Provide strong scientific and technological support for the company's industrial development Energy-saving and environmental protection projects Starting from the 'Eighth Five-Year Plan' National Science and Technology Tackling Program Sinoma-EC's waste heat power generation technology has been making progress together with China's cement industry With the ambition of energy saving and carbon reduction under the Kyoto Protocol Started to spread the blueprint of waste heat power generation From supplementary combustion system, pure waste heat single-pressure system, flash vaporization system to double-pressure system and composite double-pressure system Waste heat technology advances from generation to generation Waste heat utilization rate is constantly improving The second generation of cement waste heat power generation technologyHas reached the world's leading level Successfully applied in Saudi Arabia YCC waste heat power generation project This project was the world's largest cement waste heat power generation project Won many national and industry honors Developed the third generation of cement waste heat power generation technology Successfully applied in Huikan Nanfang 7500t/d cement production line waste heat power generation project Various technical parameters have been greatly improved Scientific research is never-ending Sinoma Energy Conservation never stops exploring. The current high-performance, highly integrated and highly intelligent Fourth generation cement waste heat power generation technology Development and patent application have been completed Some of them have realized project application


Environmental protection equipment manufacturing Sinoma Energy Conservation in the industry technology innovation Timely adapt to the national requirements for the development of circular economy Always focus on the research and development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly green equipment Adhering to the concept of technology to achieve professional Riding the wave in the boiler industry We have developed various types of boilers with the ability to execute International standard boilers From coal-fired industrial boilers to waste heat power generation boilers And then to waste incineration boiler take off The company's boiler equipment is exported to More than 60 countries and regions in the world Boiler equipment related patents more than 140 Domestic waste incineration boiler is the invisible champion in the industry Domestic market share ranked first Ranked third in the international market share in the past three years Since this year Completed the first domestic 65t/h manganese ore roasting sand fluidized bed cooling device project research and development The first large-capacity 220t/h high-temperature and high-pressure biomass furnace research and development R&D of the first fully membrane-integrated alkali waste liquid incineration and disposal boiler program Realized a new breakthrough in technology and industry cultivation and incubation.


In terms of building energy-saving materials In 2015, invested in the construction of the first calcium silicate board factory Sinoma Yichang Entered the building energy-saving material industry In 2018, to promote the calcium silicate board industry toward the road of high-quality development set up the calcium silicate board Industry platform energy-saving Wuhan Actively accelerate the layout of production capacity Continuously strengthen the innovation drive Carry out core key technology research In 2023, with the integration of industry-university-research linkage research and development The world's first 1.5-generation large-capacity flow-slurry production line Realized large capacity, intensive and large-scale production And successfully applied in Sinoma Chongqing project In order to continuously increase the core competitiveness of industrial development The latest generation of technology has been under full research and development


'Eating Crab' - Creating a New Path for Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements02


Strengthening Research Environment and Enhancing Innovation Capability Sinoma-EC attaches great importance to the transformation of scientific research results Continuously increase investment in scientific research Strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation platform Has a national enterprise technology center (Tianjin Technology Center) 2 provincial-level enterprise technology centers (Nantong Technology Center and Wuhan Technology Center) respectively in the utilization of waste heat and pressure, equipment manufacturing, new building materials, etc. technological innovation in many fields




Tianjin Technology Center has about 2000m2 thermal labs Including China's largest ORC complete experimental base It can carry out theoretical research on ORC core technology Nantong Technology Center has about 5800m2 R&D space With 6 R&D teams Equipped with nearly 100 sets of testing instruments of international advanced level And with Zhejiang University to build 'National Engineering Laboratory of Waste Incineration Technology and Equipment'. Wuhan Technology Center has an area of more than 900m2 of 1 pilot line for calcium silicate preparation by copying method Can carry out 1600×1000 (mm) size of Different thicknesses, densities, and functions of calcium silicate board preparation research and development


Sinoma Energy Conservation has 7 high-tech enterprises 1 Doctoral Workstation 1 research institute pilot base Continuously increasing investment in scientific research Greatly enhanced Sinoma-EC's scientific and technological strength Sinoma Energy Conservation has more than 400 effective patents Chief editor and co-editor of 18 national standards 5 provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological progress awards Strengthening the cooperation between industry, academia and research and promoting the realization of scientific and technological achievements. Transformation of scientific research results It is necessary to give full play to the role of industry-university-research cooperation Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into practical applications Over the years, Sinoma Energy Conservation has been committed to Strengthening exchanges and cooperation with universities, research institutes and so on Jointly carry out technological research and personnel training Implementing differentiated technology innovation strategy Cooperating in new technology research Continuously making major breakthroughs



has been honored with Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of China National Building Materials Federation Three joint projects have been successfully shortlisted as The national building materials industry major scientific and technological research 'unveiled the list of commanding' projects 'Adding Fuel to the Fire--Increasing Efficiency of R&D Investment to Stimulate New Dynamic Energy03



As a new high-tech enterprise Sinoma Energy Conservation attaches great importance to technological progress and the enhancement of scientific research capability. In recent years, Sinoma Energy Conservation has continuously increased the intensity of R&D investment Provide solid financial guarantee for the development of 'production, learning and research'. Provide solid financial guarantee Form a team with reasonable age structure, complete professional equipments A team of scientific and technological talents with a certain level of working experience and capability Through absorption, open recruitment and other ways Introducing urgently needed and scarce talents Encourage technicians to study for doctoral degrees Cultivate a group of high-level scientific and technological talents Established the leadership mechanism and working mechanism for scientific and technological talents Leadership and working mechanism for scientific and technological talents Continuously improve the system of recognizing, cultivating, using and motivating Continuously improve the system and management methods for recognizing, cultivating, using and motivating scientific and technological and R&D personnel. Developed a complete scientific and technological innovation achievement Evaluation and incentive mechanism Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific and technological personnel Struggle creates history and practicality accomplishes the future Sinoma Energy Conservation will continue With the courage to go forward The sharpness to innovate and innovate The vigor of unremitting struggle Accomplish all the goals and tasks with all our strength To build the company into a A world-class green energy and environmental protection comprehensive service provider To build the Group into a world-class materials industry investment group with global competitiveness. To make greater contributions



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