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China National Building Material Group has entered the Fortune 500 for 14 consecutive years

PublishDate:2024-08-05 Source:


  Fortune 500 is freshly released, China National Building Material Group has been on the list for 14 consecutive years, and this year ranked 307th.




  On August 5, 2024, the Fortune Global 500 list was released, and China National Building Materials Group ranked 307th with US$49.089 billion for the 14th consecutive year. At the same time on the list of building materials enterprises and France Saint-Gobain Group ranked 284, Ireland CRH ranked 443.


  In the face of weak social expectations, lack of effective demand, industry overcapacity and other unfavorable operating environment, China National Building Materials Group faced the difficult challenges, withstood the downward pressure, and paid close attention to stabilize growth measures, the annual operating income of 347.5 billion CNY.


  The announced list of the world's top 500 companies, the number of Chinese companies is 133, of which the mainland (including Hong Kong) 128 companies. China National Building Material Group from a cement 'one industry-oriented' building materials industry group quickly transformed into basic building materials, new materials, engineering and technical services 'three-legged' materials industry investment group.


  Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. is an A-shares company (Stock Code:603126) specializing in energy conservation and environmental protection industry under China National Building Material Group Co.,Ltd.. The Company focuses on the concept of “Green and Low-Carbon”, and aims to become a benchmark green energy and environmental protection comprehensive service provider by three main businesses of clean energy, engineering and equipment, building energy conservation materials.


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