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The Lesotho PV Power Plant (70MW)

The Lesotho PV Power Plant (70MW)


In August 2018, Sinoma-TBEA consortium successfully signed the general contract for 30MW of the 70 MW Phase I project of Lesotho Mafeteng PV power plant.

On June 12, 2023, 30MW of Lesotho Mafeteng PV Power Station 70 MW Phase I Project constructed by Sinoma-TBEA consortium was officially put into operation, which is invested and constructed by Lesotho government with policy preferential loan from China Exim Bank, and is also the first time for China National Building Material Group to construct new energy power project with the policy of two preferential loans from the country.

The photovoltaic project is one of the milestone projects in promoting the development of new energy in the countries of Southern Africa region. The completion of the project not only marks Lesotho's great success in the field of new energy, but also marks the landing of a substantial project to deepen the friendship between China and Lesotho.

In September 2023, Sinoma-TBEA consortium successfully signed the construction contract of Phase II 50MW+7MW energy storage project with Lesotho Energy Authority.

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