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DEVKI Mombasa Power Plant in Kenya

DEVKI Mombasa Power Plant in Kenya


The captive power plant for sponge iron line

In January 2019, Sinoma Energy Conservation signed a general contract for the engineering of SPONGE Steel Captive Power Plant with DEVKI Steel Mill of DEVKI Group in Kenya.

DEVKI Group is the largest steel group in Kenya, which started its business as a small steel trader in Gikomba area of Nairobi, Kenya, and has been expanding its business fields, and after more than 30 years of development, it has now become a comprehensive group covering multiple industries such as iron and steel, cement, roofing sheets, and aviation services. Under the outstanding leadership of its founder, Mr. Narendra Raval EBS (GURU), DEVKI Group has been committed to contributing to the sustainable development of Kenya and the East African region, and has gained wide recognition both domestically and internationally.

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