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Salihli Biomass Power Plant in Turkey

Salihli Biomass Power Plant in Turkey


In November 2019, Sinoma Energy Saving successfully signed Salihli Biomass Power Plant Project in Turkey with H29 Solar Enerji üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.?.

On January 12, 2021, H29 SALIHLI 10MW Chicken Manure Biomass Power Project in Turkey constructed by Sinoma Energy Conservation Co. was successfully connected to the grid at one time. The successful grid connection of this power plant marks another important step for Sinoma-EC in the field of new energy power generation, which is of milestone significance.

All equipments and installations of this project strictly execute CE standard, and it is planned to run for 8,000 hours in a year, with an annual power generation of about 80 million kWh, which can process 128,800 tons of chicken manure, save 42,000 tons of standard coal consumption, and reduce the annual emission of 116,800 tons of carbon dioxide and 425 tons of sulfur dioxide, respectively.

宁波市| 崇文区| 沙河市| 尤溪县| 曲沃县| 福鼎市| 唐山市| 正安县| 宜春市| 保康县| 志丹县| 吴江市| 大余县| 威远县| 陇西县| 沁源县| 大同县| 丰台区| 波密县| 马关县| 孟津县| 铜鼓县| 汾阳市| 巫溪县| 柏乡县| 沅陵县| 江都市| 聊城市| 深泽县| 克什克腾旗| 盖州市| 钦州市| 福州市| 漳州市| 珠海市| 夏津县| 河津市| 乐东| 惠来县| 泰来县| 黎川县|