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13MW pure low temperature waste heat power generation project for 7500t/d clinker production line of Huizhou Huikan Southern Cement Co.

13MW pure low temperature waste heat power generation project for 7500t/d clinker production line of Huizhou Huikan Southern Cement Co.


On April 19, 2019, Sinoma Energy Saving successfully signed the general contract for waste heat power generation project of 7500t/d cement clinker production line optimization and upgrading technology reform project of Huaikan Southern Cement Co.

The project is located in Coal Hill Town, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, which is the first application of new generation cement waste heat power generation technology in engineering projects. The total installed capacity of the project is 13MW. When the 6-stage preheater is running, the designed power generation capacity is 10500kW, the power generation capacity of tons of clinker is 28kwh/t.cl, and the rate of station electricity consumption is 5.5%, and when the 5-stage preheater is running, the designed power generation capacity is 12,375kW, the power generation capacity of tons of clinker is 33 kwh/t.cl, and the rate of station electricity consumption is 5.2%. After the project is running and put into operation, in the case of 6-stage preheater of cement line, the power generation capacity of 29-30kWh/t.cl for tons of clinker, the average daily power generation capacity of 269,272kW, the average hourly power generation power of 11,219kW, and all the indexes are at the first-class level of the international cement waste heat power generation projects of the same kind.

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