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Saudi Yanbu Cement Company 15MW+22MW Waste Heat Power Generation Project


Contracted in March 2015, the cement clinker production line has a capacity of 10,000+8,500tpd and was commissioned in January 2018.

Saudi Yanbu Cement Company was established in 1977 and began operations in 1979, commissioning two 1,500 tpd long dry clinker kilns in 1982 and a third 1,000 tpd long dry clinker kiln, with a total capacity of 1,280,000 tpd (Lines 1, 2 and 3). All three kilns were supplied, installed and commissioned by Humboldt Wedag, Germany. in 1997, the company commissioned a 7,000 t/day kiln (Line 4), which was upgraded in 2005 to an 8,500 t/day kiln. This state-of-the-art kiln, the largest in the entire Middle East at the time, was also supplied and built by KHD Humboldt Wedag AG.In 2011, YCC further expanded the capacity of its 10,000 tpy kiln (Line 5), which was supplied, built, and commissioned by China National Materials International Engineering Co.In 2016, through the implementation of a performance management program, Line 4 and Line 5 produced 9,000 tons per day and 12,000 tons per day, respectively.

Yanbu Cement is the largest cement company in the western region, with a total installed clinker capacity of over 7 million tons and an annual cement dispatching capacity of over 10 million tons. It is one of the top 50 companies in Saudi Arabia with a paid-up capital of SAR 1,575 million. The company's production facilities are located in Ras Baridi on the Red Sea coast, 70 kilometers northwest of the port of Yanbu, and its office is located in Jeddah.

Saudi YCC Cement Co., Ltd. waste heat power generation project is the largest cement waste heat power generation project in the world at present, meanwhile, YCC project is also the first project in the cement waste heat power generation industry to implement the waste heat power generation technology in the kiln end bypass bleeder system of overseas 10,000-ton cement production line with success.The YCC project team, faced with the many unfavorable factors such as great technical difficulties, high quality requirements, tight schedule requirements, poor working conditions and so on. The YCC project team, facing the technical difficulties, high quality requirements, tight schedule, poor working conditions and other unfavorable factors, conscientiously fulfilled their duties, with outstanding work quality and efficiency, actively participated in technical reforms and innovations, increased the application and promotion of new technologies, and constructed a diesel-fired boiler for the project in accordance with the territoriality of Saudi Arabia, which basically operates as a lone network. Due to the outstanding performance of the YCC project team, the project has been highly recognized by the owner and internationally renowned consulting firms, and Sinoma-EC will continue to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the project after it is put into operation. Since its construction, the project has appeared in the "Green Water and Green Mountains are Golden Silver Mountains" section of the "Five Years of Progress" large-scale achievement exhibition, and has successively won the Quality Engineering Award for Overseas Projects of the Building Materials Association, the Workers' Pioneer Award issued by the Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions, the 2019 Workers' Pioneer Award, and the 2019 Workers' Pioneer Award issued by the Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions. Workers' Pioneer" issued by Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions, and "Excellence in Social Responsibility" award for outstanding cases of central enterprises overseas in 2019.

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