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Runfeng Environmental Protection Technology (Changjiang) Co., Ltd. Changjiang County Construction Waste Disposal Site Construction EPC Project


The project utilizes the current leading process of co-disposal of construction waste and ore waste at home and abroad, and the equipment technology, automation and information technology are also at the leading level of the industry at home and abroad. At the same time, through the application of new processes, new materials and new technologies, it improves the utilization efficiency of recycled materials and energy, and maximizes the comprehensive utilization of recycled resources.


广德县| 平果县| 治县。| 濉溪县| 门源| 隆子县| 开封县| 玛曲县| 岐山县| 广德县| 磐安县| 常德市| 略阳县| 齐河县| 高邮市| 英超| 阿克| 临沂市| 依安县| 新竹市| 松原市| 贵溪市| 高淳县| 平乐县| 图们市| 泸西县| 搜索| 霍林郭勒市| 穆棱市| 怀仁县| 涿鹿县| 呼图壁县| 迁西县| 克拉玛依市| 长汀县| 页游| 上蔡县| 山阳县| 图木舒克市| 小金县| 辛集市|