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Sanya Haitang River Comprehensive Treatment Project

The Sanya Haitang River Comprehensive Treatment Project Start-up Area Project is an important milestone in Sanya's green development strategy. Among them, the sample project of the trestle along the river is built by Sinoma Energy Conservation (Wuhan) Co. (hereinafter referred to as "Energy Saving Wuhan"). Energy Saving Wuhan practices the corporate mission of "materials create a better world", actively responds to and promotes the ecological management of the whole area of the river, and chooses the self-developed and self-researched and self-produced Sinoma Hankun? palisade boards, so as to integrate the green space along the river, enhance the vitality of natural ecology with the green environmental protection products, harmonize the landscape and the environment, and contribute to the health and sustainable development of the city. We will contribute to the health and sustainable development of the city. Sinoma Hankun? pallet board is a new type of green board with natural cedar texture on the surface, integrating green environmental protection, Class A fire prevention, moisture and moth proofing, convenient installation and other excellent properties; as the best alternative to wood materials and wood-plastic products, it has better weather resistance and economy, and has been used as the best alternative to wood and plastic products. As the best alternative to wood and wood-plastic products, it has better weather resistance and economy, and has been widely used in landscape projects.

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