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The Project Of China National Building Material Federation Staff Canteen

Sinoma Hankun? fire-resistant decorative panels are used as the interior wall decoration material for the staff cafeteria of China National Building Materials Federation. Sinoma Hankun? fire-resistant decorative panels are made of high-density non-asbestos calcium silicate board substrate with decorative surface layer and protective layer by professional equipment through high temperature and high pressure. It is a green building material product that combines fire resistance, environmental protection, easy cleaning and fast modular installation. With its superior characteristics, it is perfectly suitable for schools, hotels, office buildings and other architectural fields that have high requirements for fire prevention, environmental protection and fast installation.

浑源县| 佳木斯市| 成武县| 昔阳县| 岳池县| 剑阁县| 清涧县| 辽阳县| 三江| 泾阳县| 澜沧| 高雄县| 肇州县| 石屏县| 特克斯县| 会昌县| 汝城县| 信宜市| 岳阳市| 合山市| 洪雅县| 祁东县| 缙云县| 浑源县| 墨脱县| 青岛市| 亳州市| 白玉县| 阜城县| 黑水县| 兴隆县| 商水县| 平乡县| 正定县| 晴隆县| 隆林| 屯留县| 达州市| 苏尼特左旗| 青河县| 贵州省|