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Successful Contract Signing between Sinoma EC and Genser Energy Ghana Limited

PublishDate:2017-07-05 Source:

On June 28, 2017, Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.and Genser Energy Ghana Limited signed the LNG Modification, 2X20MW WHR & Related Power Transmission and Distribution Project in Tianjin.

Mr. Hu Yeming, President of Sinoma EC and Mr. Baafour, President of Genser Energy, on behalf of respective company, signed the contract. Dr. Charles, Deputy Ambassador of Embassy of Republic of Ghana in Beijing, Ms Huang Chunyan, Deputy Director of Tianjin Commission of Commerce, Mr. Li Jian, Director of Foreign Trade Department of Tianjin Commission of Commerce, Mr. Huang Anzhong, Deputy GM of CNBM, Mr. Li Zhiwei, GM of International Cooperation Department of CNBM, Mr.Zhang Qi, Chairman of Sinoma EC, Mr. Wei Wenhua, Vice President of Sinoma EC, Mr. Wang Yi, President Assistant of Sinoma EC, Mr. Zhang Hui, Marketing Manager of Sinoma EC, Ms Daniella, Senior Purchasing Manager of Genser Energy, Mr. Nana, Assistant Project Manager of Genser Energy, Mr. Shi Lei, Deputy GM of SINOSURE Tianjin Branch, Mr. Liu Hongfu, Director of SINOSURE Tianjin Branch, Mr. Kang Wenzhe, President of China Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch, Mr.Yang Kunpeng, Vice President of China Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch, and Ms Wu Tingting, Manager of Huayuan Subbranch of China Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch, etc. attended the contract signing ceremony.

On the contract signing ceremony, Mr.Huang Anzhong, Deputy GM of CNBM firstly expressed regards and appreciations to His Excellency Dr. Charles and Ms Huang Chunyan for their coming and attending of this ceremony, congratulations to Sinoma EC and Genser Energy, meantime, briefly introduced CNBM and its business, hoping that the two parties will strength communications, taking this project as a good start to further cooperation in more extensive fields, and required Sinoma EC to perform the project with international standard, to carry out a excellent and perfect job, and to accomplish on time and with high quality, so as to pave a solid foundation for further expanding the international business in a wider filed and space, to promote the long live friendship between China and Ghana, and to bring more benefit to the people of the two countries.

His Excellency Dr.Charles firstly congratulated Sinoma EC and Genser Energy for the project contract signing, at the same time, highlighted that hoping by means of this contract signing, the friendly cooperation between China and Ghana will be promoted, the business and cooperation between the enterprises of the two countries will be further developed, and he had also confirmed that he will give full support in the future for the execution of the project.

Ms Huang Chunyan, Deputy Director of Tianjin Commission of Commerce, firstly congratulated to Sinoma EC and Genser Energy for the project contract signing, meantime, extended warm regards and thanks to the coming of His Excellency Dr. Charles and Mr. Huang Anzhong of CNBM in Beijing to Tianjin and introduced the local economic and trade development, the important economic and strategic place of Tianjin as “3-Region, 1-Base” in the northern part of China, and hoped that His Excellency Dr. Charles and Management of CNBM to bring more high quality projects and investment for facilitating the economy and trade development of Tianjin in the future, and wished the project a success.

Mr. Baafour, President of Genser Energy Ghana Limited, firstly expressed the gratitude towards His Excellency Dr. Charles for his comingand to Tianjin Commission of Commerce as well as Mr.Huang Anzhong, Deputy GM of CNBM to witness the contract signing ceremony, and then introduced the company profile of Genser Energy, and fully affirmed the advanced technical capability and professional level of Sinoma EC’s team, with full confidence to the cooperation, and expressed his hope in the smooth and successful completion of the project.

Chairman of Sinoma EC expressed his gratitude towards the great support of His Excellency Dr. Charles and Tianjin Commission of Commerce as well as the superior of CNBMand to Mr.Baafour, President of Genser Energy for his trust and support, and committed that Sinoma EC will fully perform its advantages in terms of technology, equipment manufacturing, project management, operation and management, etc. to complete the project on schedule and with high quality.

Genser Energy Ghana Limited was established in 2007, and currently is the independent power producer in Ghana with very strong comprehensive strength, and its registered address at Horizon Plaza, 60 Liberation Road, First Floor Airport-Accra Ghana. The location of the project will be in Tarkwa, Damang, Chirano and Takoradi.

“The Belt and Road” development strategy is the important part of “going out” policy of China, as one of the earliest enterprises that entered the market along the Silk Road, Sinoma EC, since its establishment, always stick to the internationalization, actively participate in the energy saving and emission reduction construction along the countries of The Belt and Road.Sinoma EC has accomplished projects in Middle Asia, South East Asia, Middle East and Africa, etc., and has contributed much to the local energy saving and emission reduction construction and the sustainable economy development. This cooperation with Genser Energy in Ghana will further expand the overseas market, and played active role in promoting and strengthening the internationalization of Sinoma EC.

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