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Mr. Hu Yeming visited the two project departments in Chongqing to inspect and guide safety and environmental protection work

PublishDate:2019-12-05 Source:

Recently, Mr. Hu Yeming, President of Sinoma EC, went to Chongqing Zhongji Oil-fired Gas Boiler Construction Project Department and Chongqing Jinqi Carbon WHPG Project Department to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the project site safety and environmental protection work and condolences to front-line employees.

Mr. Hu Yeming went into the two project construction sites to understand the construction conditions, personnel composition, safety protection facilities and environmental protection measures of the project in detail, and heard the project managers Mr. Liu Xiao and Mr. Yang Xianwei’s report on the safety and environmental protection of the two projects. Mr. Hu Yeming pointed out that as a state-owned enterprise, we need to improve our standing, and we must conscientiously study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on ecological civilization and important instructions on safe production. For deployment, we must firmly establish the concept of green development and safe development, and we must resolutely do a good job of ecological environmental protection and safe production.

Mr. Hu Yeming emphasized that, in light of the company's recent self-inspection and self-correction of ecological environmental protection and centralized management of safe production, all project departments must scientifically plan, comprehensively review, strengthen measures, pay close attention to implementation, and strictly implement safety and environmental responsibility, strengthen the basic management of personnel and equipment, systematically check for shortcomings in loopholes, do a good job of emergency management, and strictly prevent all kinds of safety and environmental accidents.

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